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We're all in this together.

Communication between seed and family benefits the child.


At seed, we want to know what you know about your child. We want to hear from you about academic history, strengths and challenges, interests and habits. We look to the family and to the community to partner with us in working for your child's success. We at seed want to establish lasting relationships for deep learning that render results for a lifetime.


At seed, we will show you what we're doing. Come to our shows, hear about our experiments, view our artwork and watch us in the classroom.


Parents are invited to schedule a class visit, meet with the director, or drop in for a visit. Parents may also schedule observations in the classroom where you are the proverbial fly on the wall.


Director Ileana Gomez is available by email and happy to confer with parents during office hours. Her 27 years of experience form the foundation of her advice to families, and Ileana will consult on the progress of any seed child.


Our seed Facebook page will feature a steady stream of photos and videos of children at work in our creative environment, and updates about activities and events. (No names or personal information will be revealed. No lists are sold.)


Parents are encouraged to maintain a robust communication and email the director with any questions, concerns or suggestions.


At seed, we are invested in the whole child, in the full context of life. Partner with us and watch your child's love of learning and self-motivation grow.

an exciting Montessori classroom where

after school is fun and every child learns.

maple seed


call 708.613.5860

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